In August 2020, an ad hoc committee was formed to determine PGO’s role and responsibility with respect to inclusion and diversity. To learn more about the members of the PGO D & I committee, click here.

Diversity and inclusion can often be misunderstood. As defined by the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion:

“Diversity is about the individual. It is about the variety of unique dimensions, qualities, and characteristics we all possess. Inclusion is about the collective. It is about creating a culture that strives for equity and embraces, respects, accepts and values difference.”

Essentially, a group of people that are diverse may not be inclusive and an inclusive group may not be diverse. For everyone to participate fully, it is necessary that PGO strives to remove any barriers created by bias and establish guiding principles for D & I within professional practice. 

Professional Geoscientists Ontario protects the public by regulating Ontario registered geoscientists and advancing professional practice. Accordingly, it and all associated persons must embody principles founded on ethics, integrity, professionalism, respect, and trust.

Those regulated by PGO represent a diverse background. It is essential that all staff, volunteers, registrants, and future registrants, feel welcome to participate fully for PGO to be successful in protecting the public’s interests. Addressing bias, whether perceived or real, within the organisation will make it easier to ensure that the public safety mandate is met.

Please contact with any comments or to get involved in diversity and inclusion at PGO.